Part 17: Update XV - Goondalf the G(hostbuster II)
Part XV - Goondalf the G(hostbuster II)Hey, it counts. It's the title of a totally different movie.
Musical accompaniment
With the ancient temple looted, it's time to continue on with our mission and proceed deeper into the caves.

A g-g-g-ghost! (That actually looks like one.)

Such tempting asshole options in this conversation... But no, Goondalf respects the dead.

Multiple levels of this place, awesome.

It is very run-down, and full of bones.

Some of the bones object to being looted.

Not sure why, since half of them just have shit like this. smh

The undead love to play deaddead.

Oh yeah, half of them are mages too.

We are at least wise to their tricks now, and can even defeat two at once.

Three is a bit of a challenge though.

Especially when one accidentally clicks a spell on a party member and knocks off half their HP in two fireballs.

But hey, another copy of the Mage's Companion!

Thank you for actually having loot, guys. Not sure why the Electricity ring has 3 Invulnerability while the other elements have 2. Maybe because Electricity damage is more rare.

Level 1 is fairly small, but can be a little confusing as far as layout.

Another skeleton has this, but it isn't quite as good as the NPC version.

I trust you didn't think an ancient crypt would be devoid of hidden rooms.

And this one is the mother of them all, thanks to this:

M'Lady: +50
The rest is just a shitty gross shield and some sellable rings.

With Charm this high, it's time to take a break to go back to Avalon and sell some stuff for a tidy profit. Yeah sure, maybe the stuff the ghost said is urgent, but so is showing everyone our new magic fedora.
Along the way, we have a score to settle...

Wacian: Oh, that's a good one, lad! A right good one! [He throws back his head and laughs heartily.]

Wacian: What clued ye in, me laughin'? Let me let ye in on a little secret... If ye don't loosen up, the madness'll getcha quicker than any Ahoul arrow.

Wacian: Indeed! [He snickers.] No! This is not the madness. I am quite sane. Felious, on the other hand... And that maniac Seer...

Now then!

Now we've got more than enough for that fancy robe!

I would have given it to Goondalf, except see how much of a nerd it makes Phelic's Apprentice look like.
We don't need it anyway, as we have been increasing our Mysticism steadily! Check out these new numbers.

Regrettably, we must remove the Fedora of the Deceiver before we engage in actual combat.

Crypt Lvl 2 has huge bone piles. Yikes.

Also it's a maze.

But there is still good loot!

Wyatt gets these, since he literally does not know a single spell anyway.

ShadowWyatt has 110 Stealth now. He could get melee sneak attacks against most enemies if he wanted.

Another bone pile.

More dead skeletons later.

Not that fine, it's just a shittier Officer's Sword. I like the image of it though.

The path doesn't branch that much, and the isometric angle helps a lot.

A very pretty skeleton wore this.

Now that we've found enough items that increase Charm, I use the TP we've been getting to bring us up to 30 Perception and 30 Charm while wearing all of it, which we will need in future chapters. Now we are free to pump Mysticism into the stratosphere.

Not just a Diamond ring, a Fancy Diamond ring.

We made it!

Now to take the stairs leading... up?

This map is very small. It's just a box around a square room. In that square room is a zombie!

Don't let her get near with that club. Her attack speed and damage are both insanely high.

Wyatt got an incredibly lucky shot and weakened her enough that Goondalf's fireballs killed her before she could even close into melee!

-Charm on a weapon is really just flavor, since we automatically go out of combat mode whenever we talk to someone, thus removing all effects of the weapon. Interesting that it does straight un-typed Magic damage though, that's rare.

A "Lich Stone" you say? Let's grab it.

Straight up instant death whirlwinds. This is probably just a big misunderstanding though. We'll try talking to the Lich next time.


-That those from the east
Were on a dark quest
And while the fire of these people
Was terrible, 'tis true
The worse was to come
And no matter who
You were or you knew
Little could be done
To survive the horrors
Of a race who won
Every battle it fought
With no end in sight
How could the Seven Kingdoms
Make it through one night
Let alone survive to tell the tale
To their children and offspring
Of the horrible Sha'ahoul
And the terror they would bring
So a plan was devised
Desperate but needed
A storm would be sent
That must be heeded
Even by the Sha'ahoul
For a winter without end
Would stop even them
And give time to send
Extra men and supplies
To defend a way of life
From meeting its doom
In terrible strife
But the Burning of Oriam
Not too long ago
Left so many homeless
With no place to go
The winter came harsh, deadly
And in its severity it kept
The Sha'ahoul from advancing
Though Oriam wept
For the thousands of homeless
Who froze in the show
And the ice and the cold
That could only bestow
Protection to the kingdoms
At the cost of lives
Of its citizens and denizens
Who could not survive
So now to this day
The stories do tell
How the shades of Oriam
Near a campfire do dwell
To thaw their souls
Which cannot find rest
Till the Sha'ahoul are defeated
And the Kingdoms are blest
Once Again...